If it’s mid-fall, that means there are events galore in the world of design. While I catch up, here’s a sneak peek at a few of the many happenings out and about. Stop back later today or tomorrow for more in depth coverage!
Sneak Peek at a Busy Week

Just me, but when your excellent photos are displayed as they are today, we can’t look at the photos individually and the size of these keep one from enjoying any detail. You do this about once a month and I always feel so disappointed. I’d rather have a long rolling opportunity to see the details! Always feel cheated when a 16 photo post card appears as today. sigh
I’m sorry you feel that way Judith. This is intended as a sneak peek, often when I don’t have time to prepare the full post. It is usually a preview and enticement to come back next time for the full look.
I agree with Judith. I would rather wait for the whole story. My Dad always said…If you’re gonna do it, do it!
Me too… Your shots are always so great and the ones you do for a sneak peek equally so. But the sneak peek shots are usually not enlarged later ( I hope I am right about that). Best
isn’t it funny… how some of us feel entitled to complain about the work and creativity it takes to produce a blog like yours when you have already explained that you are doing it for a specific reason. the reason and the explanation are apparently not good enough.
the complaints are couched in pseudo compliments but they’re still complaints.
enjoy your weekend! and post whatever you want whenever you want!
it’s YOUR site.
we are your guests.
On the mark Tammy J, if I do say!! franki
Love all the sneak peeks you do! We’d rather have a sneak peek than no peek. A google search can yield more detail if you find something you MUST know more about immediately.